What is your company doing to increase workplace diversity? Join our reporting


A new Financial Times series "Management's missing women" explores what works and what does not as companies attempt to diversify their leadership.

Add your voice to the feature by sharing your experience in the form below. We will include a number of them in this feature, which is being updated regularly.


Share your experience with us here.

Tell us about your company’s strategies (or lack thereof) for increasing diversity, whether you think they are working, and why.

Some questions to consider in your answer: If you are a target for diversity, has your company been able to do something positive that encouraged you to stay on, or come back after a break? If so, what made the difference? On the flip side, has an action by your company meant to increase diversity actually felt ineffective, condescending or counterproductive?

We would like to use your full name in our reporting. *

Your name *

This will only be used if you give us permission above.

Name of company

Please only fill this out if you are willing for us to use it.

Industry *

Location (city, country) *

Email address *

We will not share this. A reporter may use it to contact you with additional questions.