Please take part in our survey on ageing

Our findings will be published online on November 7

Do you think there is age discrimination?

Do you expect to be working - or are you working - beyond the age of 70?

How much do you expect your income to go down in retirement?

How much of your retirement income will you spend on:
Less than 10% 10-20% More than 20%
Luxury goods
Dining out
New technology


Luxury goods

Dining out

New technology


Given increased longevity, how much risk are you prepared to take in your investment portfolio after the age of 60?

How much do you intend to leave your children?

Do you expect to take up a second career after retirement?

Are you taking steps to reduce the risk of dementia or Alzheimer's?

If yes, are you:

Will you (or do you) still follow fashion trends over the age of 60?

How old are you?

Which region do you live in?

If you would like to be notified when the survey results are published, please add you email address below.

Your email address will not be displayed or shared with other parties.